On 6 December 2024, the latest session of the webinar series “Boosting Hydropower: Best Practices for Research” brought together experts and researchers to share recent developments in hydropower technology.

Within this webinar organised by ETIP HYDROPOWER, Ademir Suárez, coordinator of SHERPA had the opportunity of outlining the project’s objective to refurbish existing hydropower plants to expand their operational range.

The event also highlighted key innovations and introduced findings from the 2024 Clean Energy Technology Observatory (CETO) report, and together with SHERPA, RevHydro and STOR-HY projects were showcased, each addressing challenges related to hydropower plant efficiency, sustainability, and adaptability.

Michel Cervantes from Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, presented RevHydro’s work on developing technologies to enhance plant efficiency and reduce environmental impact. The initiative focuses on addressing challenges faced by ageing hydropower plants due to evolving energy demands, climate changes, and technological advancements.

Alexandre Presas of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, introduced STOR-HY’s efforts to extend the lifespan of pumped storage hydropower plants. The project explores retrofitting equipment with smart monitoring systems and tackling storage applications in challenging environments such as seawater and former coal mines. 


The webinar also included presentations by Emanuele Quaranta from the Joint Research Centre (JRC), who shared insights from the Clean Energy Technology Observatory (CETO) Hydropower 2024 report, highlighting hydropower’s role in the EU’s clean energy transition and a research paper on “Considerations on the existing capacity and future potential for energy storage in the European Union’s hydropower reservoirs and pumped-storage hydropower”.

In addition, Anton Schleiss from the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), also provided an overview of ETIP HYDROPOWER’s contributions to innovation and policy support in the sector. 

The session reinforced the importance of research and innovation in ensuring the continued relevance of hydropower within Europe’s energy landscape. The projects presented demonstrated how modernisation, environmental responsibility, and resilience are integral to the future of the sector.

You can rewatch it on ETIP HYDROPOWER Youtube channel or via the miniature below:

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