Meet the project consortium

Iberdrola Generación S.A (IBD)
As owner of HPPs, IBD will define the main issues to be solved throughout the project and will validate the solutions. Coordinator of SHERPA (WP8) and WP1 and WP5 leader.

Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste (AIMEN)
Specialized in AM technologies, development of AM-based metallic patch.

Voith Hydro Holding GmbH&Co (VOITH)
Development of fatigue calculator and RUL. WP2 leader.

Develop new tool to assess the impact of reducing the flow in the flexibility provided to the grid. WP4 leader.

Innomerics SL (INNO)
Develop a new monitoring and simulation tool that combines numerical models and sensor data to predict the behaviour of turbines operating both inside and outside their original design conditions. WP3 leader.

Aecom Inocsa S.L. (AECOM)
Implementing innovative approaches for water quality and biodiversity monitoring and testing by means of telemetry and modelling to assess and predict the increase in oxygen content in rivers as well as in deep waters and in other water layers in reservoirs at the outlet of the HPP (WP4). WP6 leader.

Zabala Brussels (ZAB)
Increase the visibility and support the impact of the project and its results. WP7 leader
*Credit: Voith Hydro, York Jocassee